Error running 3D model

Dear develops,

I have encountered some difficulties while running the following project, I have checked multiple times and the settings all seem reasonable to me, could you please help me check where went wrong? Thanks a lot!! (6.6 MB)

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A few suggestions:

  1. Start with a coarser mesh, and refine it if it runs fine and fairly quickly
  2. inspect the mesh, and increase some tolerances (small cell, snapping and normal distance) to see if this helps.
  3. Switch to ideal gas law or increase the number of pressure correction equations.

Switch to ideal gas law works! Thank you so much, you are a lifesaver!!! but may I ask the reason behind this adjustment? I wanna understand why it works

In my experience, we get better convergence with ideal gas law than incompressible gas. You can also increase the number of pressure correction equation iterations but it gets slower to converge initially.

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