Errors from changing the reactions in the CO2 absorption tutorial to the new two reactions

Hi, I changed the reaction in the CO2 absorption tutorial to the new two reactions, set the reaction rate to constant in usrs-rates and deleted the other reaction rates, and changed the composition of the initial reactants to only the reactants of the new example. This error occurred at the beginning of the calculation:

If I give some fraction of the original reactants in the initial composition, a smaller fraction of the new reactants, the example will run for about 0.07s, and then I get this error:

I set the reaction rates to be constants, 10-16, if I set any higher, error will happen faster.
at the same time, there are no products (my new reaction) , what is the problem?
Thank you very much! (4.2 MB)

You need to make sure the changes you made are compatible with all the udfs. I got a division by zero because vsol is zero from line 492 of usr_mod.f

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