Failed to open a tutorial case

Hi, Developers

It is failed to open the tuturial case, ‘silane_pyrolysis_tfm_2d’, as shown in the figure.


How can i solve this problem?

Best regards.

I am not able to reproduce (Linux and Windows OS). Please go to the file menu> About and copy the installation version in this thread.

Hi, Jeff

Below is the information you asked, but one thing has to be mentioned that the system Win10 may run on Intel i7, not AMD64. I don’t know why it says this.

Best regards.

MFiX version: 19.2.0.post0
Python version: 3.7.5 (default, Oct 31 2019, 15:18:51) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
Qt Wrapper: PyQt5
Qt Version: 5.9.6
qtpy Version: 1.9.0
Numpy Version: 1.17.4
Nodeworks Version: 19.1.1
Flask Version: 1.1.1
Sphinx Version: Unavailable
psutil Version: 5.6.7
VTK Version: 8.2.0
OpenGL Backend: None
System info: Windows release 10 running on AMD64
Install location: D:\anaconda\envs\mfix-19.2.0\share\mfix
Default Solver executable:None
Solver source code: D:\anaconda\envs\mfix-19.2.0\share\mfix\src

@wuming could you Share the file you are trying to open (silance_pyrolysis_tfm_2d.mfx)? We need to reproduce the character encoding error in order to fix it

Hi, Mark

it is attached below.

Best regards.

silane_pyrolysis_tfm_2d.mfx (32.3 KB)

The attached file has only ASCII characters. I don’t know why it causes an encoding error when opening it in MFiX.

When the error occurs, do you see another error message in the Anaconda console (where you started mfix)? Send that (stack trace) if it is visible.

Alternatively, when the error occurs, do you get an option to save the bug report as a zip file? If so, send the zipfile (which would include the stack trace)

Hi, Mark

In the following figure, it records the prompts shown when i opened the mfix file and close the pop-up window which has been posted here.

Best regards.

This issue is fixed in the MFiX 19.3.

Please retry with the latest version of MFiX.

Hi, Mark

Can i install the new version without uninstalling the current version ?

Best regards

Yes, the install command includes the name of the conda environment

conda create -n mfix-19.3.0 mfix=19.3.0 .....

After that to run 19.3.0:
> conda activate mfix-19.3.0
> mfix

Or to run 19.2.0:
> conda activate mfix-19.2.0
> mfix

You can change to environment name (-n option) to whatever you like when installing for either case