Error: Unexpected solver message:
Program received signal SIGFPE: Floating-point exception - erroneous arithmetic operation.
Backtrace for this error:
#0 calc_k_g_mod_MOD_calc_default_kg
at calc_k_g.f:76
#1 calc_k_g_mod_MOD_calc_k_g
at calc_k_g.f:32
#2 transport_prop_mod_MOD_transport_prop
at transport_prop.f:65
#3 calc_coeff_mod_MOD_calc_coeff
at calc_coeff.f:344
#4 calc_coeff_mod_MOD_calc_coeff_all
at calc_coeff.f:272
#5 step_MOD_time_step_init
at time_step.f:93
#6 run_fluid
at mfix.f:186
#7 run_mfix
at mfix.f:145
#8 main_MOD_run_mfix0
at main.f:85
Using the gdb debugger:
Program terminated with signal SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception.
#0 0x00007f067f5dd82f in calc_k_g_mod::calc_default_kg ()
at mfix/src/model/calc_k_g.f:76
76 K_G(IJK) = 6.02D-5*SQRT(T_G(IJK)/300.D0)
(gdb) print(ijk)
$1 = 159
(gdb) print(t_g(ijk))
$2 = -534.61044673739423
The temperature has gone negative in this cell.
I’m not sure why this has happened or why it was not trapped as non-physical before the SQRT call.