Fluidized Bed Biorreactor

Dear MFiX help,

I am planning to simulate a fluidized bed biorreactor with a perforated distributor plate. I do appreciate if you can advise me what steps I have to follow to define the right geometry, region, and boundary condition for this purpose.
I works with biocatalist.

Boris Guzman

That is a very open-ended question… what have you tried?

See How to simulate a bed with a perforated distributor plate for a discussion on perforated plate modeling.

I am trying to run a case that involves reactions and I have four solids (different particle diameter, same reactant). Biodiesel_Jatropha2.mfx (25.5 KB) I am trying to run it to observe its hydrodynamic behavior, but it does not run. Help, I’m new to this.

Please export your project as a zip file and attach it here so all relevant files are included (stl file, udfs)