Geometry leakage for DEM modelling for a chemical reactor

I have performed DEM modelling on a geometry and I observe leakages. Although, all the joints are sealed perfectly and proper union has been done, yet, i find particles leaking from the geometry.

Can someone please help me resolve this issue or guide me concerning why is the leakage actually happening and how to control it? What parameters in the setup can help control it?


The particles may be too soft and are going through the wall. Try to increase the spring stiffness see it it helps.

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thanks a lot Jeff. you have always been a great help.
I thought of it and already increased the stiffness and I have put my simulation on the run.

Is this the right thing i did? I increased spring constant from 1000N/m to 1300 N/m.

I would increase a lot more, say 10 or 100 times larger. If it takes a long time for the particles to reach the top of the riser, put some particles near the bend and cyclone and see if they still leak.

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Sure Jeff. I will do so as suggested. Thanks