Getting particle data into csv files straight from mfix

I require the coordinate data for each individual particle in my DEM model from MFIX.

I currently generate the vtk files and import these to paraview to convert to .csv files but I wondered if there was a way to do this straight from MFIX?
I looked in the manual and found you can write csv files using monitors but this does not seem to include the same data as the vtk files.

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Do you need the time series or the final snapshot data? As of 20.4 release, you can save the particle coordinates at the end of a run into an ASCII file (see below). The file name is particle_output.dat and it has the same format as the particle_input.dat format. The idea is you can run a simulation, save the data and reuse it for another simulation (rename particle_output.dat to particle_input.dat). This option may be useful if you need to settle particles. There is another option to reset the velocity to zero.


I need the coordinates of every particle through the run. I currently write a vtk file every 1s and convert these to csv files and just didn’t know if there was a way to do this within or after the model in mfix.

Could your suggestion above be used to pre assign particle locations to reduce run time?

The above is useful when you want to use exactly the same initial conditions for a series of subsequent runs, say during a parametric study. This can reduce run time if you run the first simulation to settle the bed without the gas phase (granular flow) and use the settled configuration as a new starting point.