Glued sphere particle - gsp_config.dat not found

until you find a solution, i’m trying to realize the flow with the glued sphere particle solver. But I have the following problem. DES_ET_INPUT values are not used
with the linear spring-dashpot collision model.

what do I have to do ?

i fix the problem but now i have this message : Error 1100: FATAL - gsp_config.dat not found!

The DES_ET_INPUT parameters are for the Hertzian collision model only, this is not a bug.

Please attach your project files - go to the main menu, select “Submit bug report” and attach the resulting ZIP file so we can take a look at your case.

yes , thank you but the zip is too big

experience-cylindriques.mfx (24.9 KB)

When I load this file I get a single sphere. The GSP particle must consist of more than one sphere, otherwise it’s just a regular spherical particle

Have you run the “Glued Sphere Designer” to specify the particle shape?

yes because i want to modelize a cylinder particle in reality

If you want help, you have to provide more details. How did you set the particle shape up? Did you base the cylinder on an STL file or a superquadric cylinder?
And why is the zip file too big to upload? How big is it? What files are getting included? (unzip -l

I want to create a flow on a plate with cylindrical particles, but when I use the superquadric model it doesn’t work. You told me I could do it with the glued sphere particle solver. I want to make cylinders with a radius of 0.004 m and a height of 0.006 m. I’ll remove the unnecessary files from the zip. Did you base the cylinder on an STL file or on a superquadric cylinder? I didn’t use an stl file, I use the glued sphere designer directly.

The glued sphere particle is formed collection of spheres based on an existing shape. That shape can be specified using an STL file or a superquadric shape. The spheres then are arranged to recreate the specified shape. So you need either an STL cylinder or a superquadric cylinder as a starting point for the glued-sphere arrangement.

Perhaps you should begin by running one of the GSP tutorials to get a clearer idea how GSP works.

okay i will do that thank you for your help

Please see attached for the GSP version of the simulation from the other post (the one that is more difficult to run with SQP).

experience-cylindriques_gsp.mfx (24.3 KB)

Many thanks for your help !


How do we resolve the problem, gsp_config.dat not found?