Granular temperature in DEM results

How can we get translational and rotational granular temperature directly in the output in DEM simulation. Thanks.

I’m not sure what you mean by “directly in the output”

You can save granular temperature either as a Monitor output (monitor_theta_m keyword) or VTK output (vtk_theta_m).

The granular temperature is not separated into translational and rotational components and I believe rotation may not be included at all. You’d have to examine the code to be sure, or perhaps someone more knowledgable will comment. Look for where theta_m is being computed. (des/des_granular_temperature.f and kintheory_mod.f)

I also see that a variable DES_ROTE was added a while back but it’s not clear to me that it is used for anything:

des/des_granular_temperature.f:      DES_ROTE = ZERO
des/des_granular_temperature.f:         DES_ROTE = DES_ROTE +                                         &
des/des_granular_temperature.f-            (0.4D0*PMASS(LL)*DES_RADIUS(LL)**2)/2.d0 * SQR_ROT_VEL
des/des_granular_temperature.f:      CALL GLOBAL_ALL_SUM(DES_ROTE)

des/discretelement_mod.f:! Added rotational kinetic energy (DES_ROTE)
des/discretelement_mod.f:      DOUBLE PRECISION DES_KE, DES_PE, DES_ROTE

Finally, note that there are Monitors available for particle rotational velocity monitor_rot_x, monitor_rot_y, monitor_rot_z but there are no corresponding VTK outputs for rotational velocity - these may be added in a future release if it makes sense to do so.

The routine DES_GRANULAR_TEMPERATURE is disabled and the calculation of the granular temperature for DES is not supported. Please feel free to review this routine and modify if needed.

You can save the particle angular velocity with VTK_PART_ANGULAR_VEL keyword (Output pane, VTK tab, select a region and save particle data, check “Rotational velocity”)

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Thanks Jeff. I got thrown off because it is called “rotational” in one context and “angular” in the other.