Hairpin vortices in the flow around a sphere

I tried to simulate hairpin vortices in the flow around a sphere, I followed your tutorial (3.4. Three-dimensional single-phase flow over a sphere), but I couldnt see any hairpin vortices even in PARAVIEW. Should I change the mesh or dt or… to get the same result as yours?


You will most likely need a much finer mesh and appropriate boundary conditions. The hairpin vortices you may have seen was over half a sphere on a flat plate with incoming inlet with a developed boundary layer, and I believe the Reynolds number was around 800.

To visualize the hairpin vortices, go to Outpu>VTK>Other and select “vorticity” this will save vorticity and lambda_2. Then create iso-surfaces of lambda_2 at some negative values.

@jeff.dietiker do you have a citation (paper, report, or presentation) for the case that you reference?

Acarlar MS, Smith CR. A study of hairpin vortices in a laminar boundary layer. Part 1. Hairpin vortices generated by a hemisphere protuberance. Journal of Fluid Mechanics . 1987;175:1-41. doi:10.1017/S0022112087000272

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