Heat transfer in a solid particle receiver

I’m trying to simulate the heat transfer within a solid particle receiver. there’s also interstitial gas in-between the particles.
I don’t really know what the issue is.
can someone take a look and tell me where I might be making a mistake?
thank you!

hexrec_2023-02-06T164251.331425.zip (303.1 KB)

The LOG file says:

Velocity exceeds limit:   10.000
in cell: I =   23   J =    3   K =   14
 Epg =  0.98954     Ug =  -16.641     Vg = -0.15856     Wg =  -2.8817
To change the limit, adjust the scale factor MAX_INLET_VEL_FAC.
 t=     0.0180 Dt= 0.1000E-01 NIT=  2MbErr%=-0.7049E-03: Run diverged/stalled :-(

ERROR from time_step.f:193
DT < DT_MIN.  Recovery not possible!

You have large velocities (larger than the limit with is controlled by MAX_INLET_VEL_FAC). This should trigger a time step decrease. However, you have set both DT_MIN and DT_MAX to 0.01 second, so there is no room to adjust the time step.

You should set DT_MIN to a much lower value (say 1E-6 s), to let the time step adjust if needed. If you still reach DT_MIN, then try to increase MAX_INLET_VEL_FAC to allow for larger velocities.

Thanks jeff,
that fixed it!

also if I have an error with convergence.
is the issue usually with the mesh or the boundary condition??

It is hard to tell, could be the mesh, the Boundary Condition or even even the Initial Conditions. It always pays off to check the mesh first in my opinion.