How can i show the increase in size of solid particle in presence of fluid

I am trying to model a fixed bed setup with solid particles. I want to show an increase in size of particles as the flow starts over time. can anyone help me, i am a beginner with almost no mfix experience.

What model (TFM, DEM) do you want to use? You will need to code the chemistry to account for the mass transfer between gas and solids phase. Set the particle density to a constant value and the particle’s diameter will be adjusted when the particle’s mass changes.

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i am working with DEM, i cannot figure out how to model the chemical equation to show mass transfer. can you help me with some examples if you have.

You can study the legacy test in legacy_tests/dem-tests/evaporation. This will need to be run outside of the GUI because it is an old setup with CGS units

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Thank you for your help but i am unable to locate the file you suggested. And still having trouble with my problem. Can you attach the file that you suggested.

Navigate to this folder: mfix/legacy_tests/dem-tests/evaporation

Hi, Jeff

Is it possible to decrease particle size unphysically in MFIX-DEM simulation? I mean the size is deceased not by gas-solid reaction or mass transfer or other factors relative to multiphase flow.
I searched the source file of MFIX, but i still don’t find how particle size is updated in every DEM loop. Could you please give me some advice?