How i can track single particle trajectory in dem?

how i can track single particle trajectory in dem?

There are a variety of ways to accomplish this.

  • Write a UDF to save the data for a particular particle (based on the global ID).
  • Save the data you want for the particles along with the global IDs to output files then post-process them to obtain the data you want.
  • Probably the simplest is to make a second phase with a slight diameter or density difference (DEM phases have to be distinct) and only save the data for that phase in a separate output file.

thanks JMuser
i will use the third option

@jmusser kindly explain the third way you mentioned above?

What Mr. JMusser meant is to create a second phase this could be done as follow:
1-create a particle with a diameter differ from the one of your interest with same density.
2- create a particle with the same diameter but with a different density.

This brings another topic in my mind when we use coarse- graining method one could model the particles by using a constant number of particle for the created parcel for all PSD, other could use the ratio of the particles to create a representative parcels with same ratio.

@mhdabiker I only want to track single particle trajectory among many. How is it possible?

Please see the three options above.

A fourth option (more complicated) would be to enable user scalar tracking (Solids>DEM, Advanced pane), initialize the scalar to one for the particle you want to track, zero for all others (done in a udf) , and save the DES user scalar in the vtp files. In Paraview use a threshold to isolate the particle with a scalar value of one.

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