How to change the unit of MFiX

Hey guys, can I change the length unit of MFiX?
The diameter of particles I am analyzing are are between 1 and 5 microns . However, the current unit of length is meters. I don’t know if the particle size is too small to casue divide-by-zero errors.


You could use CGS units, but CGS units are not supported in the GUI and I do no think this would be the cause of a division by zero. What solids model are you using? I would not recommend using DEM with such small particles, it will be too slow.

CGS is no longer supported and is not recommended.

However you can define ‘parameters’ using the “edit parameters” icon at the top of the MFiX frame:


There are a few defined already, such as ‘mm’ for millimeter.
You can add more.

Then you can enter dimensions using this as a multiplier:


This is just for convenience in model setup.
Output data will, of course, still use SI units.

Also, double-precision variables have a range of about 10e-300 so I doubt underflow will be an issue. However as Jeff pointed out, you may find that the models run extremely slowly. (If you are seeing zero-division errors please post the details here)