How to create regions aligned to the geometry for a pseudo 2D simulation

Dear all,

I am trying to import a 3D geometry in mfix and want to run a pseudo 2D simulation in TFM. The problem is the lower part of the geometry is tapered and the regions do not align to the geometry. I am now trying to define two different powder beds (2 different particle layers) at the bottom of the geometry. Could someone please help me with this. I am very new to mfix.
Thanks in advance

new_geometry_fix.mfx (14.3 KB)
new_upgrade.stl (34.8 MB)

Are you talking about the two inlets from the slits? You will need to use point sources for these. The stl file you attached is not the one the .mfx file was created with.

Hey…. Actually my only problem is the region area is not same as the stl file. The bottom of the geometry is trapezoidal but the region around it is rectangular. This is not allowing me to set powder bed regions … as they are being defined outside of the Stl file.

The region outside the stl file will be ignored when the Initial Condition are used. Only fluid cells will receive gas and solids data.

Hi @jeff.dietiker . I recently did the simulation as you suggested but there are still errors and i am not able to figure out. Could you please check and help me with the max velocity error. I have tried to change the max. inlet velocity factor to till 20 but this error still keeps on showing. I have attached the file and geometry for your reference. Also, if you take a look at the vtk model, the regions outside the geometry are not ignored by the system.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
finaltrial.mfx (20.0 KB)
geometry_thick.stl (241.7 KB)

Please make sure you inspect the mesh before you run the simulation. The stl file has inconsistent normals and some internal geometry I don’t understand where the cylinder cut out is. You need to clean up the stl file first and redo the mesh. I think you also need more cells in the z-direction.