How to export data every time step

I would like to know how I can export data every time step in MFix.

Please see the section User-Defined Functions in the MFiX User Manual.

which one do you think I use? usr write?

Please provide more detail about what you are trying to achieve and what you have tried so far.

I want to export all simulation data each time step during the simulation. I have tried Dietiker’s soln in this forum by keeping the Spx file export interval smaller than the least time step set in the “Run” tab.
I am however not sure if it is actually exporting it at the time steps because I saw a time step of 1e-03s but I do not see that difference in the SPx files.

The reason I want to do this is I am doing a control volume analysis to be sure of the energy balance, which requires me to export the necessary simulation data such as gas temp, solids temp, etc every time step.

First, save the data at a decent frequency and look at the SPx file size. Then do a calculation of what their sizes would be is you saved at every time step. This may be may too much to handle. You can also save vtk files, which will give you more control on which variables to save. That way you can split variables in several vtk files. The vtk files are also written as time series (one file per time stamp) whereas the SPX files contain the entire time series in a single file.

I have written a matlab code to conduct the energy balance. I import the files from postmfix. I don’t want to play around with vtk files. SPx works just fine.