How to get smooth line plot

I am trying to make plot velocity vs length wise, but the plot data is coming in the form of steps. Can you please tell me how can I get smooth line plot.
solid v

That does not look like an MFiX screenshot to me - what software are you using to make this plot?

I am using the ParaView software for makeing the plot.

This is not the place for Paraview questions. Please use

You most likely have a line resolution larger than the number of MFiX cells, so you get several points within each cell. Each point within a cell will have the same value, hence the staircase look. Use the same line resolution as the number of cells.

Select “Sample at segment centers”, when doing “Plot over line”, which is what I expect you’re doing. You’re getting the steps because you use the default “Sample uniformly.”

This is how it looks on my end when I toggle between the two:


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