You need to distinguish MFiX at run time (solver) and the data in the VTK files. MFiX doesn’t need to know the actual coordinates of where the data is stored during the time marching procedure. For a given cell, It needs to know data in its neighbors and the distance to the neighbors. The whole procedure is based on scalars (pressure, temperature etc.) being stored at the cell centers and velocity components being stored at face centers (staggered representation). We don’t say at x=1.2, y=2.5, z=1.7, T=325.1K, we say at cell ID=27, T=325.1K.
The purpose of the VTK is to visualize the data, not to display a table of coordinates and variables. In the VTK files, we write out the values at each cell, so you know that cell ID=52 has a temperature of T=325.1K (cell numbers are not the same in MFiX and VTK file because MFiX uses Ghost cells to apply boundary conditions). We also write the coordinates (x,y in 2D, x,y,z in 3D) of each point in the mesh (cell corners) and the connectivity, i.e. the list of points making up each cell. For example, cell 52 is made up of corner points 82, 83, 124, 127 (say 4 points in 2D). The key here is there is no data at points 82, 83, 124 and 127, there is only data at cell 52.
The cell_to_point filter will take the data in cell 52 and interpolate the data at points 82,83,124,127, but this is only accurate for scalar quantities. It is not accurate for velocity vectors because vtk doesn’t know it is a staggered representation. I think (I have never tried) you could also use the CellCenter filter to convert the cell data into point data where the point is located at the cell center. Again this is only good for scalar quantities.
Now to get the coordinates of each point in a cell, take al look at How to get IDs of points attached to the cell? - #3 by Andrei - ParaView Support - ParaView
Once you have the coordinates of the corner points, you can compute the cell center (the above post seems to indicate there is a bug in the CellCenter filter). You should also be able to compute the face centers coordinates which is where the velocity components are located.