**I had a question regarding the .RES files. **
How to make .RES files at every ‘dt’?
Sometimes when simulations crashes prematurely. I generally try to restart it from the last saved point using the ‘RESTART_1’ option which uses the last saved data from the .RES file.
However, I was wondering if we can restart from sometime before that. For example, if it failed at 27 s and it was saved at 26 s, it will restart from 26 s. But can I restart the MFIX solver from say 20 s?
You can save a series of restart files at regular intervals. In Output>Basic, set res_backup_dt
to say 1s and res_backups
= 10. and it will save a rotating series of 10 restart files every 1 seconds. Here if the run failed at time=26.9 seconds, you could restart from time=17 to 26 seconds. You would need to manually copy and rename the restart file to [RUN_NAME].RES. Please note that it appears the labels in the GUI are swapped so “Restart backup count” should be “Restart backup interval” and vice versa.
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So if I understand correctly, if the simulation crashed at say 27 s, and I have the 10 files (17 to 27s), I can rename the file of choice (say 20s) to RUN_NAME.RES and the choose ‘RESTART_1’ option in .MFX file and then run it?
Correct, there will be a series of files in the BACKUP_RES
folder, named RUN_NAME.RES01
etc and you will need to rename one of them and put it in the project directory before doing the RESTART_1
Got it. Let me try this and get back to you
Dear Dr. Dietiker,
Is there a way to change this directly from the .MFX file in notepad ?
No, this is a manual step that cannot be done through the .mfx file.
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