How to import initial particle location information

When mixing two kinds of particles directly in the initialization condition setting two kinds of particles will be stratified, in order to make two kinds of particles evenly mixed, I first carried out the process of particle feeding and stacking, and obtained the position of each particle, may I ask how to import the position information of these particles as the position of the initial particles?

In the Output pane, select “Save particle positions at end of run”. This will save the data in a text file call particle_output.dat. This file has exactly the same format as particle_input.dat. You can inspect the file and edit it if needed, then rename it to particle_input.dat so you can use it for another run. You can also reset the velocity to zero and filter the particle based on some variable values (say you can only keep particles that are below a given y-coordinate to force the bed surface to be flat and horizontal).

Then for the new simulation, make sure you have Enable automatic particle generation unchecked in the Solids>DEM pane so the particle_input.dat file is used as initial condition.

I did what you said and exported the particle data in the first simu
lation and used it as an initial condition for the second simulation, but he couldn’t run it successfully and it would stop at the following steps:

It doesn’t seem to be working.I can’t find the reason why the error occurs, here I submit my case file and hope to get your reply, thank you very much! (17.4 MB)

I renamed the particle file as you said as the initial particle information, and clicked on “filter particle_input.dat” in a new round of simulation (under different conditions than the stacking), and ran it with the following situation, what went wrong?

I don’t see the particle_input.dat file in the zip file. Please attach it. There is a particle_output.dat file but this one has an extra line (a file path) in the header probably due to a copy/paste error and doesn’t have the correct number of columns. This may not be relevant if you use a different file.

Detected number of columns = 20
Error 1150: Incorrect number of columns in particle_input.dat file.
Please verify the data matches the following column layout:
Variable:             Column(s)
Coordinates (x,y,z):  1 - 3
Phase ID:             4
Diameter:             5
Density:              6
Velocity (u,v,w):     7 - 9
Temperature:         10
Species:             11 -13
User scalars:        14 -24

I carefully read your response, and it seems that the files I attached earlier may not have been complete. Here is my latest file, ‘particle_input.dat’, which was obtained by directly renaming the ‘particle_output.dat’ file from the first simulation.
particle_input.dat (16.7 MB) (48.5 MB)
Can you please let me know if there is an issue with this file, and why I am unable to run the program after selecting ‘filter particle_input.dat’, as I am encountering the following error?"

I’m looking forward to your reply

I did not run the simulation with your new files, but the .stdout still says you don’t have the right number of columns:

MESSAGE from des/read_particle_input.f:107
Info: Reading DEM particle input file version: 2.0
Detecting number of columns from the first line in the data.
Expected number of columns = 24```

Maybe we need to elevate this from an INFO to an ERROR.

The Info message is saying it is reading the particle_input.dat file (instead of the automatic particle generation), so I think this is OK. I am also getting a properly formatted error message when the error is encountered:

Not sure why the message is not parsed on the VM.

In serial mode, we get a popup as you said. In DMP mode, the popup does not appear, the error count does not increment, and in the console we only get the first line of the mult-line error message.