How to model electrostatic precipitation process in MFiX?


After attending the MFS workshop this past summer, I am tempting to use MFiX for my study. I study the process of electrostatic precipitation and would like to know if MFiX can model such process.

In general, I need to solve the Maxwell’s equation for electric field, fully coupled with a charge transport equation and then a turbulent fluid flow field (k-epsilon) is solved along with the Lagrangian particle trajectories. The flow condition is dilute, so two-way coupling between the particle and fluid flow field may be desired.

I appreciate any comments and expertise.

Eric Monsu Lee, Ph.D.

Hi Eric.

This sounds like a research project!! Nothing in MFiX handles charged particles or electromagnetic fields, you’d have to find and integrate an existing Fortran EM solver or write a lot of new code. I think it would be particularly difficult for DMP simulations where the field depends on particles in all cells (unless you impose a long-distance cut-off approximation).

If you have the coding skills, it’s not impossible but I estimate this would be (at least) several months of work.