How to monitor the parameters of the particles passing through the gas inlet wall

Dear developer,
I would like to ask for advice on how to monitor the parameters of the particles such as temperature, mass, component percentage, reaction rate, etc. at the gas inlet boundary wall in the figure below.
I made bc_mi_apply_to_des(the gas inlet boundary)=false and additionally set up monitoring in the monitor. But the values being monitored are clearly incorrect.
I look forward to your guidance, thank you very much!

I am not sure exactly what you intend to monitor, do you actually have particles coming in along this inlet?
The monitor says the monitor volume is zero and the numbers you see (-0.98765432E32) mean there is no data and the average cannot be computed.

Thank you very much for your reply. I apologize for not being clear.
I mean I want to monitor the number of particles passing from the outlet or inlet boundary at each time step, and the parameters of these particles (e.g. temperature, density, component ratios, etc.)