How to output the drag force on non spherical particles?

I found the formula for calculating the drag force in the sq_drag. f file. To output the value of the drag force on particles, what code needs to be added to the. f file to output it?

The line of code I added cannot output the drag value. Thank you for your help! (26.8 MB)

I’m not sure what you mean by “cannot output the drag value”. Is is outputting an incorrect number? Or do you want the output in a different format?

Thank you for your reply! @cgw
LDgA is the drag coefficient. If I want to output the calculated value of drag, which (. f) file do I need to add code to? Is it adding code in the (drag_gs_des1. f) file?

The formula for calculating drag force is shown in the picture. Thank you!

Please look near the bottom of SUBROUTINE DRAG_GS_DES0 in file des/drag_gs_des0.f, where D_FORCE is set, around line 200.

Thank you for your help!