How to output the heat of reaction

According to the advice by Musser How to find the corresponding alias of reaction rate? - MFiX - NETL Flow Science Software Support ( We can get the cell data using reactionrate array. The reaction simulated is a gas phase reaction catalyzed by catalyst. And I add some code at the flie CALC_RRATES_DES.f and RXNS_GS_DES1.f to get each cell’s heat of reaction . But the result are all zero, Can someone help me find out why? Thanks for any reply!
here are the modified files
rxns_gs_des1.f (14.2 KB)
calc_rrates_des.f (9.6 KB)
I set the DES_INTERP_ON as true,and didn’t specified the heat of reaction on CHEMISTRY

Before I take a look, did you set nrr>=2? Please attach all relevant files (.mfx, usr_rates* etc), this would help debugging.

In the File menu, “Submit bug report” will create a zip file containing all relevant files. This is the best way to attach files when seeking help on the forum. Thanks.