How to remove object from Geometry?

I am attempting to modify the conveyor-3D project. My goal is to delete or deactivate the vessel object. Although I have removed it from the ‘Geometry,’ it persists in the vtk view. If I rename the STL file to ‘vessel2,’ its changes also appear in vtk. Particles collide with the wall of the vessel object. I want to use only the top and bottom belt objects.

Did you delete the vessel region and corresponding BC that uses the vessel geometry?
The original vessel stl is converted to geometry_0002.stl after BC#2 is defined, so if you don’t delete BC#2, the vessel will still be part of the simulation.

Now the GUI is trying to remember the geometry so you may need to close the vtk viewport and reopen it. The GUI also doesn’t delete the stl files when you reset the simulation (this needs to be fixed) so they still show up as objects that can be displayed in the vtk viewport. You can toggle their visibility by clicking on the “eye” icon in the objects list.

Thank you very much. Your response helped me, and it works the way I want it to.

So I have removed the vessel object from the geometry, and the vessel region along with its corresponding boundary conditions have also been deleted. I can confirm this in the VTK viewport as well. However, particles are now simply falling through the top belt, and I do not understand why. Thank you for your help in advance.

My top belt is dead. The bottom belt works well if pushed under the inflow point. Geometry0003.stl and geometry0004.stl cover the bottom belt, while geometry.stl covers the top belt.

Geometry pool of top belt was incorrectly set to bottom_belt.stl. That was the mistake.

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