How to save VTK files by GUI-18.1.5

Hi guys,

I installed GUI-MFIX-18.1.5 on my personal computer (Win7, 64bit). I run one case. But I found I could not view the results at other simulation time on the VTK screen, just like this:

only t = 0.0 was shown. The setting looks like this:

so any clues? Thank you so much.

I assume that the file stacks are being written in the directory (i.e. do you see the Background_IC.vtu files?). Can you attached your mfx file?

Thank you for your response. Yes, the vtu files were written. But only the initial condition was recorded.

Here is the mfx file:
Case1.mfx (14.0 KB)

It works as expected for me. Make sure you have reached a simulation time larger than the write interval to get more than one vtk file. You may want to decrease the write interval.

Works for me too.

Note: There is a small “bug” that was selecting the wrong VTU files when the write rates were different. This is fixed in the upcoming 19.1 release.