How to set the outlet BC like the picture below?

hello everyone,
I have met a problem, i draw a geometry model in solidworks, and there are 2 outlets in the model, can anyone tell me how to set the outlet2 BC in the mfix-dem?
the .sldprt and .stl files are uploaded below.

str_outlet_1.STL (4.0 KB) (103.1 KB)

You can either extend the out2 boundary all the way to the top, or create a rectangular block of wall cells
that go down from the out to the out2 plane, where you would define a pressure outlet BC.

tanks jeff,can you give me a specific explanation about "creat a rectangular block that go down from the out to out2 plane "? I am confused about what you’re saying.

A BC plane cannot have fluid cells on both sides of the plane. Here the out2 plane is in the middle of the fluid region (shown in red below). We must add a block of No-Slip Wall cells above the plane (shown in green below):