How to show the fiturs?

I just downloaded MFix 24.4 version and i confused how to enable the fiturs (left tools) like fluid, solid, chemistry, etc. I already built the solver but still same and I saw the tutorials and nothing helps me out. Can anyone help me to solve this problem?

You are in the SMS workflow. You need to generate the mesh (click on the “Generate” button), and if the mesh looks good, click on the “Accept” button. This will enable the “modeler” tab at the bottom. Click on it and you will see the other simulation settings on the left.

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If you want to disable it, SMS (Segregated Mesher/Solver) can be disabled by setting “Mesher workflow” to “Standard” in the Settings panel on the main menu.


However we do encourage you to make use of SMS mode because most of the common problems in simulations result from poor mesh quality, and pre-generating and inspecting the mesh helps avoid this.