How to track different solid phases in DEM

Hi all,
I am trying to track different solid phases in DEM simulations. If I create two different kind of solids but of same properties, it is impossible to me how to distinguish them. Enabling “vtk_part_phase” does not create a useful output. I tried also Paraview and Tecplot output formats and none of them make a distinction between the solid phases.

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You can define e.g. 2 DEM phases like:
MMAX = 2
RO_s0(1) = 1000
D_p0(1) = 0.04

RO_s0(2) = 2000
D_p0(2) = 0.02

For the vtk part, something like:
vtk_dt(1) = 0.2
vtk_data(1) = ‘P’
vtk_x_w(1) = 0.0
vtk_y_s(1) = 0.0
vtk_z_b(1) = 0.0
vtk_x_e(1) = 0.6
vtk_y_n(1) = 0.6
vtk_z_t(1) = 0.6
vtk_filebase(1) = ‘particles’
vtk_part_density(1) = .True.
vtk_part_diameter(1) = .True.
vtk_part_vel(1) = .True.
vtk_part_id(1) = .true.
VTK_PART_PHASE(1,1:2) = 2*.TRUE.

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If you want to distinguish the 2 phases, you can either:

  1. set vtk_part_phase_id(1) = .True. : Each particle can be colored by its phase ID
  2. Create 2 vtk regions: In region 1, set VTK_PART_PHASE(1,1) = .TRUE. and VTK_PART_PHASE(1,1) = .FALSE. . In region 2, set VTK_PART_PHASE(1,1) = .FALSE. and VTK_PART_PHASE(2,1) = .TRUE. . This will write Phase 1 particles in the first vtp files and phase 2 particles in the second vtp. Open both vtp files in Paraview and toggle the visibility of the vtp files to isolate a given phase.

Thanks Yupeng and Jeff for the answers,
I solved the issue. The problem is that both solids where identical and the parti_phase output I get was 1 for all the particles, changing any property of any of them make it work properly.
Now my question is if two identical solids cannot be tracked separately?

Yes they can as long as they are different phases, As Jeff and Yupeng have described…

Hi Justin,
I tried both (indeed what Yupeng suggested is actually what I was doing) and both produce an output of 1 for the particle phase.
I attached the mfx file with the last modification proposed by Jeff which only exports one of the two vtk regions.
dem2solids.mfx (11.2 KB)