I changed the initial mass fraction of the original solution to 0, but they're still there

Hello, I am modifying the calculation example of CO2 absorption. I changed the mass fraction of many substances in MEA solution to 0, but only retained water. I set the mass fraction of water to 1 for flow test, but there was no reaction:

Paraview’s 000.vtu and the output show that the substance I have set to 0 is still there. Why? Take Ohm for example:

Also, when I add a new reaction and set the old reaction to Disable in the GUI, the reaction still happens. What did I forget?
Thank you very much!

I am guessing you have more than one Initial Condition region. Please verify you changed the composition in all regions. If you added a reaction, you need to build the solver again so the species.inc file is up to date.

Yes, I do have more than one Initial Condition region, I found that the mass fraction of substances whose initial composition was changed to zero was very small, somewhere from 10e-38 to 10e-09. Could it be a problem with the code? Where should I find this part of the code?

In the initial setting, fluid only has AIR, solid1 only has h2O, and solid2 only has Al. However, when I use ParaView to check the result at moment 0, fluid1 exists in the upper part of the container, while Fluid, solid1, and solid2 exist in the lower part of the container. EP_G, solid1 volume fraction Solid2 volume fraction is normal, but Air, AL, h2O volume fraction exists in the whole container, like this:

3.7.zip (75.5 MB)

This is not an issue. With TFM, all species mass fraction must be defined in every cells, whether or not there are solids in that cell. If the volume fraction of phase 2 is zero in a cell, it is fine to have a mass fraction of 1.0 for Al. It means 100% of phase 2 content is Al, and since phase 2 content is zero, there is no Al in that cell.