Importing and merging multiple existing STL fluid bodies into MFiX?

I have multiple existing STL fluid bodies that I am trying to merge into a single mesh domain in MFiX. Is this possible at all to do within MFiX? I tried but it didn’t seem to work - it looked like the operation was successful but the merged surfaces were still external faces and not internal. Would it be better to preprocess things so that a single STL is imported that includes the entire fluid domain?

You need to make sure all normal vectors point in the correct direction, i.e. towards the fluid region.

Thanks - that was one of the first things I checked, but it still didn’t seem to work. Are there any other things to look out for?

Please check that there are no holes or thin triangles in the STL files, and that they form a waterproof body.

Feel free to share your files if you want someone to take a look.