Inclined region of an STL geometry


I have a complex geometry that I uploaded in STL, I need to create a sloped region where the red arrow is in order to add a boundary condition (mass inflow).

How can I do it?

I would probably use a point source. @jeff.dietiker any ideas?

I would split the stl file into two: One that has all the wall geometry, and another one that has the sloped BC. This may be doable inside the GUI by narrowing down the selection with the selection shape, method and normal filters. Otherwise you can do this with the software you used to generate the STL file.

Another note: It looks like there are zero-thickness walls in the STL. These won’t be resolved. Since they are rectangular and vertical, you should be able to use internal surfaces instead.

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Thank you, it worked! I also created regions on the zero-thickness walls in the STL.
Now I get some errors when generating the mesh, but I don’t know exactly what they mean. I don’t know if there is any guide that I can read?
This is my first time using MFix.


How did you make the zero-thickness walls? Did you use CATIA?