Index '1040807424' of dimension 1 of array 'list_facet_at' above upper bound of 1061208

When the TFM model is used to simulate two-phase flow, I feel that the error is related to the grid setting, but I do not know how to modify it. The following prompts often appear. The specific problem is that the data has been packaged and uploaded in the compressed package.

ERROR:At line 735 of file C:\Users\Administrator\scoop\apps\miniconda3\current\conda-bld\mfix-solver_1602691740272\work\model\cartesian_grid\get_cut_cell_volume_area.f
Fortran runtime error: Index ‘1040807424’ of dimension 1 of array ‘list_facet_at’ above upper bound of 1061208 (15.9 KB)

I am not getting the error on my side with 21.1 version. Your stl file is not oriented properly (I guess you want to model the flow inside the cylinder) and your mesh will have high aspect ratio because you use 100 cells in each direction. Flip the normals and reduce the number of cells in x and y direction (say 20).

I recommend you use the SMS meshing workflow and inspect the mesh. See 3.8. SMS meshing workflow, cyclone, Discrete Element Model (DEM) — MFiX 21.1 documentation