Intializing particles with temperature gradient in DEM simulations

I am a complete novice at MFIX, so I hope this isn’t too trivial. My aim is to initialize a set of particles in a fluid bed with a linear temperature gradient using a UDF. For now, I’m just creating regions that have particles initialized to different temperatures as such, naturally this is not feasible the finer I want the gradient to be:

I’ve been looking through the user manuals, and forum but haven’t been able to find anything very helpful to this application.

Hi Raghav, welcome to MFiX

Check out the DEM seeding tutorial in particular section 3.22.4

This uses a file particle_input.dat to specify initial conditions on a per-particle basis, which is otherwise not possible in MFiX. You can use a script to generate this file. Note that inn the example, particle temperature is not used, but if you turn on energy equations and set line 29 to T then you can specify initial particle temperature.

– Charles

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Also covered in more detail in the MFiX FAQ:

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Hi Charles,

This helps a lot. Thank you!!
