Invalid location specified for BC 2

I’m trying to simulate the behavior inside a simple box. But it’s giving na error in a location that would be my ouflow. Follows the error

ERROR C:\tools\miniconda3\conda-bld\mfix-solver_1559057894579\work\model\check_data\check_bc_geometry.f:522
Error 1100: Invalid location specified for BC 2.
X: 1.2190 , 1.2190 I: 1220, 1220
Y: 1.6310 , 1.2880 J: 1633, 1289
Z: 0.0000 , 0.35000E-01 K: 2, 36

Here is my case.

Placa_des.mfx (15.7 KB)

You need to flip the “From” and “to” y-coordinates. “From” must be smaller than “to”.

You should probably coarsen the mesh, right now you have a whopping 70-million cells!

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It is running now, I fixed the “from” and “to” and fixed the mesh too.
Thanks for your help