Is there any way to call the code file in mfix to run the simulation

Dear Expert,
My question is, is there any way to call or couple the code file (Matlab or Python) in the Mfix simulation? if yes please let me know the what is procedure and steps.

I created an ann model based on the weight and bias function and I want to know can i couple or add directly this file to mfix model.

Dear Expert,
Sorry to say but, I am curious to know these things, can you help us? How can I connect directly the ANN model to Mix.
As I asked above I created an ANN model for one exchange coefficient and I want to directly couple it with Mfix because this is a very complex function (based on weight, and bias basis) there is any way to couple the ANN model in mfix or exported from Matlab to the coefficient UDF directly in Mfix?

This is not currently supported.

Is there any way to add a Python code (ann-based) convert into Fortron then it is used in Mfix as a UDF function?
Mfix is applicable in the Fortran language, if I convert Python code (ANN) into Fortron then can I use this code as a user-defined function in mfix. If yes then what is the step?

This is an extensive development task that is beyond the scope of this forum.

Thanks for the information, If in future any further developments are incorporated in the Mfix Kindly share them.