Issues with Initial Convergence (DT < DT_MIN. Recovery not possible!) even with followed suggestions


I created a pseudo 2D rectangular spouted bed under the DEM model. In the log file, I found the phrase “t= 0.0000 Dt= 0.1014E-05 NIT> 50 Sm= 0.0000 MbErr%=
DT < DT_MIN. Recovery not possible!”

I would like to make clear that even with the time step constant (DT_FAC=1), I still had the issue of nonconvergence. I have also tried increasing the number of gas iterations, using a line preconditioner, turning off stall detection, reducing under-relaxation factors, and removing small cut cells. I am also using the ideal gas law.

I have attached the MFIX file. I am genuinely stuck, and I am not too sure where to go beyond here.

SBP.mfx (22.7 KB)

Also! the version of MFIX is 23.2

My suggestion is to start with the simplest simulation and add up physics one at a time. This will help troubleshooting the issue. Here you should start without turbulence and cohesion model to make sure the basic simulation runs.

There is a typo in the initial gas pressure, there should not be a decimal point between 101 and 325:

Then, please double check the k-epsilon initial and boundary condition values.

The Hamaker constant is also many orders of magnitude off. It is typically around 1E-19 to 1E-21 J.

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Thank you so much! I appreciate your guidance!