Large simulation stopped unexpectedly

Dear All,

The simulation lasts about 10 hours and then stopped unexpected with errors as follows. The other parts are normal.

Timestep walltime, fluid solver: 0.928 s
PIC NITs: 1 Total PIP: 667
Timestep walltime, PIC solver: 0.031 s
Batch Wall Time: 2.00 days
Elapsed Wall Time: 2.00 days
Term Buffer: 180.00 s
C:\Users\juu.conda\envs\mfix-21.2\lib\site-packages\mfixgui\ UserWarning: The ‘environ[‘werkzeug.server.shutdown’]’ function is deprecated and will be removed in Werkzeug 2.1.
shutdown() # will finish current request, then shutdown
Previous MFiX run is resumable. Reset job to edit model
MFiX process has stopped
t= 2.315513 Wrote .RES;
Total CPU used = 1.998 days
Total CPU IO used = 25.30 s
Total wall time used = 9.824 h
function ‘_gfortran_set_options’ not found
(mfix-21.2) C:\Users\juu\Documents\mps_simulation\builtin_sphere1>endlocal

What is more, if I click run button again and select restart option, it can resume actually, it weird, I just want to know how to make it continuous without such disruption.

This is not an error. You are requesting the simulation to stop after 2 days. This usually helps when running in a queued HPC where you don’t want the simulation to be killed when you reach the end of the queue time.

You can either turn off this feature (uncheck “Enable max wall time” in the Run pane, or keep it on and increase the wall time limit.