I tried to set the “mass inlet start time” so that the inlet starts blowing after 0.3 seconds. But it doesn’t work, it still starts blowing from the beginning of the simulation. By the way, I set it to “1s” ,it also starts blowing from the very beginning.
The results are attached below and I hope to get your answers.Thanks!
It turns out that the start and stop time for mass inlets only applies to solid particles, not fluid, so your flow is on from t=0, as you observed, and as can be seen in the above animation, where we are coloring particles and fluid by y-component of velocity.
The bc_mi_start_time keyword and its description are confusing. There is nothing that says it is limited to DEM particles. Maybe we can extend it to the gas phase for 23.3.
Thanks for your patience and sorry for the difficulties!
Possibly you could use a UDF to turn on the flow at t=0.3.
Or, probably easier, run the simulation up to a stop time of t=0.3 with the inlet gas velocity (bc_v_g) set to 0, then when it stops, set bc_v_g to the desired value, set the stop time to 3s, then do a resume:
I tried setting bc_mi_start_time to 0, but that reported an error. But when I set it to a non-zero value (0.1 or 1) it works fine and gives me the results I want. Perhaps I could set it to a very small non-zero value, but it must not be 0.