MFIX-21.3 ReactionRates are not visible as VTK output

Even if nrr>0, in the vtk section the ReactionRates boxes to click and to add their name are not appearing. It worked with mfix-20 version.
I can open a project I setup with mfix-20 and see them with mfix21-3, but when setting up the project in mfix-21-3 I don’t have them available.

Thanks for the help.


Hi Eric,

We will fix this for 21.3.1. In the meantime here is a little trick to bypass the issue:

  1. Go to the Advanced pane. Click the “+” sign above the keyword table.
  2. Check the "Include GUI keywords at the bottom left. In the search bar, start typing vtk_rrate. The keyword should appear below the search bar, select it.
  3. Enter the vtk (region) and rate index. For example enter VTK=2 and rate=1 to set vtk_rrate(2,1). Click the lock icon, next to the greyed out “Update key” button. Read the warning and click OK.
  4. Adjust the value of the keyword. Check the box next to value. It will change from False to True. Click the “Update key” button and close the keyword browser.
  5. Option 1: Close the keyword browser. Go back to the Output > VTK > Reaction tab. You should see the nrr rates and labels now.
    Option 2: Click the “Locate control” from the keyboard browser. It should take you to the Output > VTK > Reaction tab.