MFiX 24.3.1 is available for download

MFiX 24.3.1 is now available for download at the MFiX website. This is a maintenance release which fixes several issues in the 24.3 release:

  1. VTK output controls locked for CGP particles (reported by @MFIX_LYP)
  2. Floating-point exception in eval_h_pfp (reported by @Sheikh_Nabil)
  3. Segfault due to uninitialized BC_ID (found in case submitted by @Qianbinhui)
  4. Excessive particle filtering (found and fixed by @jeff.dietiker)
  5. Additionally, the CSV particle_input file format now is more flexible, making all columns except for X,Y, and Z optional (thanks to @kerenjie127)

All users are encouraged to upgrade to this latest version.

Thanks to all users who submitted valuable bug reports and user feedback, which helps us continually improve MFiX.

– Charles