MFIX conditional setting problem

Dear All,
I have a small problem with how I set the pressure drop and gas mass flux in the Cyclic during the BC setup. I don’t know how to set it up, nor is it clear in the manual. Could you please inform me on what basis to determine the values of these two?

Not sure what you mean by “what basis to determine the values”. These are inputs so you should know them or being given these values before you start the simulation (same as any other bc settings).

The pressure drop will drive the flow from high to low pressure. This is typically used if you want to model only a section of a long vertical riser. The flow rate will depend on the pressure drop.

If you specify a mass flux along with the pressure drop, the specified pressure drop is an initial guess, and it will be adjusted to maintain the specified flux.

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Hi, Dr, Dietiker

When i added the cyclic condition in y-axis, following error was reported. Without this added condition, my case ran successfully.

mfix.dat (5.9 KB)

You already have a mass inlet bc at y=ymim and a pressure outlet at y=max planes. If you want to use cyclic BCs in the y-direction please remove BCs 1 and 2.

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