MFiX-RAD Plug-in


I am new to MFiX, and I was wondering if there are any tutorials, examples, etc. that utilize the basic MFiX-RAD plug in.

Thank you!

Hi James, welcome to the MFiX forum.

Here’s slides from the author’s presentation at the 2016 MFiX workshop: Radiative Heat Transfer

I see that the code at MFIX-RAD / Code / [88d4b9] hasn’t been touched since 2016. I downloaded it and tried compiling it with current MFiX, it mostly builds except that the usr_rates.f file depends on some specific reaction names and species being defined. There’s no mfix.dat or present in this repo so symbols like Ash1 and Char_to_Char are not defined. But you probably want to modify usr_rates.f anyhow to match your simulation. (Also note that in the next version of MFiX the implementation of user-specified reaction rates will be a little bit simpler).

After deleting usr_rates.f and trying again I get this error:


   65 |             CALL FLUSH_ERR_MSG(ABORT=.TRUE.)
      |                                     1

    Error: Keyword argument requires explicit interface for procedure ‘flush_err_msg’ at (1)

This is because the error handling code has changed a bit since 2016, and FLUSH_ERR_MSG is in fact no longer used. But it would be pretty straightforward to update this code to use the newer error-handling conventions.

Let us know if you use this package, especially if you get any interesting results.

– Charles

Thank you Charles for looking into this, and providing the author’s presentation at the MFiX workshop. I also appreciate you for compiling the code with the current version of MFiX. I will certainly keep in touch as I experiment with this package.

Thank you again for your help and assistance - I greatly appreciate it.

Kind regards,
