MFiX Simulation speed too slow

Hi Everyone,
I am working on my thesis research with title “DEM simulation of Gas-solid suspensions found in fluidized bed”. I am using MFiX to carry out my simulation. The geometry is simple 3D rectangular box. The boundary conditions are fully periodic. I am running a simple case with 2 particles in the system (solid fraction is 2.8e-7), having time step of 0.01 second. But the output velocity data is being written after 40 minutes for each time step, that is too slow. i am using system with 128GB RAM. Is there any way to increase the speed of writing dat files? Any kind of help is highly appreciated.
Regards.DEM.mfx (8.8 KB)

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A particle size of 130 microns is too small for DEM. This leads to tiny DEM time step (around 5E-8 sec). This is what makes the simulation so slow. This is not related to writing data files. You can try to decrease the spring stiffness to increase the DEM time step, but this may lead to missed collisions so use with caution.

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Thanks for your help. The problem is solved