Missing Temperature VTK Output at Particle-Surface Interface

I am modeling a simple thin solid surface for 10 particles to transfer heat onto. The goal is to view the surface temperature changes over time as a result of contact with the higher temperature particles.

Prior to starting my run, I set the bottom region (where the particles interact with the surface) to output temperature data on VTK. After the results came back, there was one pvd file for time=0, which Paraview was unable to open. I also noticed that the Output-VTK temperature box for this region was unchecked when I reviewed the returned GUI.

Is there a way to ensure this box remains checked to output the temperature VTK or might there be a better approach to obtain the surface temperature?
012322_10p_surfacetest_2022-01-29T145649.171781.zip (92.0 MB)

The bottom region should be a volume, not a surface. It contains zero cells so the vtu files are not written.

The vtk temperature box being unchecked upon reloading the file in the GUI is a bug. It will be fixed. Please note that although the box in unchecked, the keyword is still set to .true. in the mfx file.

Thank you Jeff. I used an implicit geometry box to generate the volume. Is there a way to have each cell within the surface indicate the temperature change? The generated surface results show the same color across the surface, though I would expect that the cells that the particles interact with would have a higher temperature.
012322_10p_surfacetest_2022-02-06T112513.531979.zip (45.6 MB)

You put an internal surface at y=0.01m. Internal surfaces do not conduct heat so the “BOTTOM” region is isolated and the particles will not go in there so you will not see any temperature change. You also forgot to store any variable in the BACKGROUND_IC vtk region. If you store gas temperature in this region, you will see temperature change over time as the gas is heated up by the hot particles. You will see change in temperature in the cell just above the internal surface once the particles drop down. Since you only have 10 particles, there is no advantage of only storing particles in the “Film layer” region, you should use a vtk region that covers the entire domain so you can visualize particles as they drop.

Thanks for the recommendations, Jeff. I will remove the internal surface and use a larger VTK region to better capture all the particles.

I’m able to generate the particle temperature VTP files, however I was actually curious if the implicit box (modeling the thin surface) can output temperature/heat data in VTK or through other means, perhaps through the input files if the GUI may not have the option yet.

The implicit box is a geometry input, it is not used for any output.

Understood! Hopefully my last follow-up question on this topic.

More general than the previous question, would there be any way to model the solid volume (or surface) geometry to output VTK temperature or heat flux?

You would need to write some code to interpolate the fluid temperature between the first fluid cell and the ghost cell to get the wall temperature or compute the temperature gradient. These would not be linked to the stl file data though and is not trivial.

Thank you for your help! I will look more into this.