Monitor temperature in MFiX-DEM simulation

Greetings MFiX developers,

I have a few questions regarding a model I’m currently working on (please see the compressed project folder below):

  1. I currently have a single particle in a region centered about the computational domain, just above the bottom surface. The particle is initially assigned a temperature value of 1000 K. Before running the simulation, I included a monitor over the particle region and selected the temperature option. However, I do not see a temperature trend within the monitor tab as the simulation is running. I introduced a probe and placed it inside the aforementioned region - in which I was able to monitor fluid velocity in the u-, v-, and w-direction. Am I missing a setting, step(s), etc. that is preventing me from monitoring the temperature value in this particular region? The current temperature results, from the monitor, can be see in the following file: particle_region.csv

  2. Also, I’m trying to figure out how to introduce particles at a simulation time > 0 seconds.

I am new to MFiX, and would greatly appreciate any assistance and suggestions. (2.8 MB)

Thank you, and have a nice day.

Kind regards,


  1. Looks like the monitor region does not include the particle, at least initially. I can get the temperature when I make the monitor region larger. This being said, I see a temperature of 293.15K, not the 1000K you want. I am looking into this.
  2. In the BC pane, when you have a mass inlet BC, go to the transient tab. You can specify a start and end time.

Thank you for addressing my questions @jeff.dietiker . Furthermore, thank you for looking into the temperature monitor - I greatly appreciate your assistance.

Kind regards,


Somehow the single particle you are trying to seed gets assigned a cell ID that is just outside the IC region. I think this has to do with the grid not being aligned with the IC coordinates. I got it to work by using a cubic lattice instead of a hexagonal lattice (click “show DEM seeding options” and select the :Cubic" lattice distribution). My recommendation if you only have one particle is to use a particle_input.dat file to set the exact location and properties of the particle.

Thank you again @jeff.dietiker for looking into this, and providing valuable suggestions - I appreciate your assistance. I will review the MFiX documentation, and figure out how to implement the particle_input.dat file. Thank you again for your help!

Kind regards,
