No chemistry reactions occur

I’m currently working on a simple char combustion PIC simulation.
However, reactions does not occur.
Can you please help me with this???
I’m using mfix 24.1.
Thank you. (87.6 MB)

Please attach supporting plots showing there is no reaction.

I found that in PIC method, mfix does not support MW_s(1,CHAR) or MW_s(1,Volatile).
It brings very large number and I guess its just dummy data.
Is it correct?
I solved this problem by typing the exact value of mw in usr_rates_des.f code.
(MW_s(1,CHAR) to 12.0)
Is there no way to bring MW value directly from mfix??
Thank you!

MW_s(1,CHAR) and MW_s(1,Volatile) are not defined and should not be used.
The first index (1) refers to the solids phase, which is sand and does not have any species.

You should use MW_s(2,CHAR) and MW_s(2,Volatile). Better yet, you should do a test at the top of the usr_rate_des.f routine on the solids phase pM. Since sand does not react, you should set all reaction rates to zero and return if pM is 1. Otherwise (pM==2) you can compute the reaction rates for the biomass phase and refer to the molecular weights as MW_s(pM,CHAR) and MW_s(pM,Volatile).