Parameter setting consultation about CGP model

Dear developer,
It is well known that the MFIX-CGP model is much more efficient than MFIX-DEM, but I have some indeterminations about the CGP parameter settings: should the values of parameters des_en_input, des_min_cond_dist, flpc in the figure below be consistent with those of MFIX-DEM if ensure that the results of the two models are basically the same?
For example, in MFIX-DEM, des_en_input=0.97, des_min_cond_dist=1.0000e-06, flpc=4.0000e-02, so in MFIX-CGP model, des_en_input, des_min_cond_dist and flpc should be 0.97, 1.0000e-06 and 4.0000e-02, respectively? Or should I use the equivalence formula provided in this paper enclosed for the conversion?
I have made several attempts and comparisons, but the results of the two models deviate significantly.
Thank you! Looking forward to your reply!

Extension of a coarse grained particle method to simulate heat transfer in fluidized beds - ScienceDirect

(3.7 MB)

I guess you can use the guidelines of the paper as a starting point. They got good results up to a statistical weight of 27. This may not be applicable for larger statistical weights. (Note: I replaced your attachment with a link to the paper to avoid potential copyright issues).

Yes, the statistical weight is 27. Thank you for your kind reply! I understand you to mean that these three parameters should be set to the same values for both models? Namely, the equivalent conversion can be done internally by the mfix code.

@jeff.dietiker @kjetilbmoe Sir, am I understanding you correctly? :blush:

No the conversion is not done internally, it must be adjusted by the user if needed.