Particle generation error in DEM

Bug report

When I was using a 3D model to fill a specified area of a cylinder with

DHY2.mfx (9.0 KB)
DHY2.msh (14.0 MB)
geometry.stl (69.3 KB)
, I found that the particle filling was incomplete, with only half of the area containing particles and the other part not. May I ask how to solve this problem? Here are my files:

This is not an error. You are asking to fill 36% of the volume, which corresponds to 479K particles and this is what you get. MFiX preferentially places particles near the bottom of the region. If you want to space them out, increase the spacing factor as shown below.

If you do this, verify that you are still seeding the correct number of particles by looking at the output:

Generating initial particle configuration:
Phase  1: Number of particles to seed =       479111
  | IC Region:   2                                                    |
  | Phase |   Input   |   Input   | Number of |    EPs    |   Solid   |
  |   ID  | Specified |   Value   | Particles |           |   mass    |
  |    1  |   EP_S    |  3.60E-01 |    479111 |  3.60E-01 |  5.02E-02 |
Message from des/generate_particles_mod.f:692
Initial condition  2, Phase  1: Successful seeding