Particle input can not be implemented

Hi everyone

I saved particle information with particle velocities been reset to zero. Then, the file was renamed from particle_output.dat to particle_input.dat, and filter particle_input.dat in the solid/DEM was selected. After filling in the text box generated on the right and the exact particle number at data file particle count, I clicked to run the simulation. The solver could run but no particle was generated in the computational domain and no error information was reported as well. How to solve this problem? I want to run the case with particle_input.dat.


Cohesive_newVDH.mfx (16.4 KB)
particle_input.dat (466.8 KB)

Thank you.

The filter is meant to be applied to non-uniform data. Here the diameter, density, velocity is the same for all particles. Your setting says you want to keep particles that have a diameter of 1E-5 m, but the diameter is set to 1E-4 m in particle_input.dat, so the filter does not keep any of them. You can leave fields blank if you do not want to filter a given variable.

Thank you. It is my mistake and I did not find this.